Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Luckily, I have many great days, but it's been a while since I've had one of the best. I woke up yesterday with the sun shining in our window, glistening on Lake Union, and warming everything up to over 70 degrees! It was HEAVEN!!!

In the morning, my friend, Gretchen, threw me a marvelous Baby Shower. Actually, I guess it was really for Sawyer, but WOW did we all have a great time!

I am blessed to have many amazing friends, but between being prego and busy, I don't get to spend as much time with them as I'd like. The shower was a wonderful time I got to catch up with some of them which was fabulous and such a treat. We had great food, fun games, and LOTS of chattering going on. And of course they showered me (& Sawyer) with super cute baby stuff!

After the Baby Shower, Jacob and I decided to make the most of the wonderful weather, so we headed over to one of our favorite places - the Agua Verde Paddle Club. We decided since it's about time for the monthly pictures of my belly it was a good time to do it while in my swimming suit (had to wear it just in case we caught the wrong angle of one of the bigger boats' wake!) So, here it is:

We've only got about 8 weeks left to go until Sawyer will be here! (Unless he decides to come early, or stay in a little longer for a Father's Day entry into the world!)

I have to admit, getting into our K2 Kayak was a bit more difficult with 20 extra lbs. on my body. I told Jacob it feels kind of like strapping a heavy bowling ball to your front side.

Every time I am out on the water, I fall in love with Seattle all over again. If you can handle the rainy season and gray through the winter - the rest of the year, especially summer, couldn't be more perfect!

I think Jacob was super glad to be outside. He's been working so hard both in his day job and doing a big freelance project that he's barely had the chance. It was good for us to feel the sunshine on our shoulders!

Some of the views from our K2:

Oh, it's our neighborhood! Queen Anne and South Lake Union - and there's the Space Needle!

Gas Works Park was plumb full of sun-bathers, kite-flyers, and frisbee-throwers. We even paddled right by a dog who took a little swim after his tennis ball!

And my favorite: the beauty of white sails on blue water. So majestic! EVERYTHING about today was my favorite part! We fell into bed soooo happy and the best kind of exhausted to be. We hope you all had an equally amazing Saturday that you might consider one of the best days of your lives!