On Saturday, I ran the Tom Wales Memorial Run, an event dedicated to honoring victims of gun violence. My friend, Sara, also ran - as did her barely 2-year-old son, Jasper (he was probably the youngest kid in the kids' race - what a cutie!). It was a lovely morning at Seward Park, albeit a bit chilly to begin with. Mayor Nickels spoke, as did a couple of amazing young ladies dedicated to reducing gun violence. I really appreciated the words spoken and learning more about the mission of Washington Ceasefire.
For not training very hard - or, to be honest, - not training much at all, I was happy with my finish in the middle of the pack (31 minutes). Most of all, it made my day to see my two biggest fans cheering me to the finish line: Sawyer and Jacob! After the race, we hung out a little bit with Sara and her husband and 2 boys. We chatted, had some Trader Joe Joe's, and let the boys swing at the playground. All in all, it was a wonderful morning. It always feels good to accomplish a goal and to support a cause you believe in.