We decided to have a "shared" party with Sawyer's best buddy, Forrest (who is 6 days younger). Half the planning effort but double the fun! We rented (yes, in the city you have to rent space at the park!) a couple of picnic tables at Matthews Beach and got set up for an afternoon of wonder! The kids (and their parents) got wet in Lake Washington, played in the sand, played with beach balls and frisbees and sand toys, and generally relaxed, got wet, and enjoyed the afternoon.

Forrest's mom, Cassandra, made these lovely cupcakes for the Birthday Boys and their guests. Jacob fired up his new grill (Happy Father's Day, early!) and made us burgers and chicken sausages. Guests brought side dishes. (It was a wonderful feast!) Oh, and Henry Weinhard's Rootbeer was on tap :)

We sat the boys side by side and watched them go at their cupcakes.

Awwww...little buddies!

Sawyer knew what to do since he had practiced the night before! Dig right in - face first!

At first, Forrest didn't seem all that excited about his cupcake, but as you can see, he eventually decided it was pretty good stuff!

We had decided to just have our "Seattle Family" at the party to keep things low-key and simple. We did, however, send invitations to both sets of Grandparents out of courtesy, though we knew that because of distance they wouldn't be able to make it. However, 2 days before the party we got a phone call from Brandon (my little sister's super nice boyfriend) asking if he and Jamie could come to the party...all the way from Bend! And so they did! What a treat and surprise! (Thanks, you two, for coming all that way!)

Some of our "Seattle Family/Friends" who came included Sam...don't you think he looks handsome in his new glasses?

Jasper...who was simultaneously working on potty training (go Jasper, go!)

...and Kaitlyn. We had wonderful people around us and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

I can't forget to show off the invitation Jacob designed for the occasion. I told him he doesn't have to design an invite for every birthday party we have - but the 1st one is pretty special, so why not?
One thing this first year of parenthood has taught me is that I am lucky to have a parenting partner like Jacob. SUPER lucky. He is an AMAZING dad and Sawyer is one lucky boy to have him. It's pretty amazing to think how little and tiny Sawyer was when he was born and now what a "big" boy he has become. I got a little teary and said to Jacob - "maybe he'll keep on growing up, but he'll always be my baby." To which Jacob replied, "yes, he will --- just don't tell him that when he's 16." ;)
On that note:
Sawyer is now 20lbs.
28.5 inches tall.
both 10-25%
The Doc said he is going to be a talker, since he can already say these words (she said it is not uncommon for boys to only begin saying words at 18 months - does that means Sawyer is super smart? Pretty much!):
Quack Quack
Mama, Daddy, Baby
He can trump like an elephant, Ssshhhss like a snake, and pant like a dog. He does the signs that go along to "Popcorn Popping in the Apricot Tree" and "If You're Happy & You Know It". He signs the basics (we're not teaching him every sign there is - only the essentials) "more" "done" "again" "milk" "sleep" etc.
Our boy's got talent!
More than all the celebrating and parties and cool things he has learned to do...we just want Sawyer to know how much we love him. He brightens every day and makes us better people. We love you, Sawyer! May your next year be as wonderful and full of love, fun, and learning, as your first!