Today is Independence Day, my very favorite holiday! I was a tiny bit bummed out that we didn't get to go to Oregon to celebrate with my family, as was originally planned (but after spending 10 days there and missed work, we couldn't do another trip)...but then I decided to just enjoy it! So that's what we're doing!
I love that Sawyer got this festive lei from his nursery teachers...and that he didn't mind that Aspen and I have been taking turns wearing it since we got home.

I also love that a sister from our church asked me to translate so she could share her testimony with the women's group of our church (aka The Relief Society). She has been in this country for 8 years. We have quite a few immigrants in our congregation, many of which speak Spanish. It is a blessing to me to converse with them, even though my Spanish might be a little rusty from time to time. They truly understand and appreciate the liberties we often take for granted as citizens of this country.
I am proud of my brother-in-law, Taylor, who is serving our country at this moment. And for the patience and faith of my sister, his wife, for supporting him at a time that surely isn't easy to have to fly solo so often (they have a 2.5 year old and another baby girl due next month). South Korea will be lucky to have you...for a short time. And I promise, Kaitlin, you'll grow to love your family and your country in a way you never thought possible as you live among and learn to love a country and it's people who are foreign to you.

And here is my little firecracker...resting up for the festivities to follow this afternoon and evening. I think I may just go grab a little nap myself...and then enjoy the good friends, good food, good times, and AMAZING fireworks that follow!
Happy Independence Day!