I am still working on finishing up the kids' shared room. I know, I posted about how I was just about done with Aspen's corner, and then she decided to start trying to boost herself up and climb out of the crib. So...away with the bumper. That shook up my plans a little bit...but anyway, I'm working away and almost done. I recently purchased this cute little print and I have an old frame from ikea with 3 5x7 spots, so I thought I would put the print in the center and then I made silhouettes of the kids for each side. I actually made the silhouettes a while back - I used Aspen's on her birthday party invitation and on her cupcake toppers (which I think turned out to be rather adorable :) While I was at it, I did one of Sawyer, too. (Aspen is about 10 months in hers, Sawyer is just over 2).They turned out fun! So I just sent in an order to my lab and am printing them as photos on linen paper - we'll see how they turn out!
I was thinking it would be fun to do a silhouette each year for the kids (until they don't want me to anymore). I have plans on making them each a special book for when they reach a certain age (I made Sawyer a first year book, and vow to make Aspen's before we have any more children...but just can't keep up with doing one for each year - I do a family album anyway...) so it would be fun to line up their silhouettes from baby to say, 10 years or so. Don't you think?
Anyway...if you want to give your hand a try at doing a silhouette I found several tutorials on line that are quite simple.
If you have access to Photoshop and are fairly comfortable using the tools, try this one. (This is the tutorial I used)
If you don't have Photoshop or are not super comfortable with using the tools required, try this simple method.
Fun stuff! I can hardly wait to see how my finished product will look hanging in their room! I'll be sure to include it in the "tour" when I've finished!
*update: customer service called me from the lab to say that even at a high res. the images were looking a bit pixelated around the edges - I am not exactly sure why...but Jacob was able to "smooth" them out by redrawing them in Illustrator last night. I am going to submit them again and hope they come out perfect ;)