Time for some updates:

A couple of weeks ago for family night, Jacob and I turned on some tunes and had a great time painting Sawyer's room. We painted it a buttery-very-happy-yellow color. It is dark and gray so often in Seattle that we wanted it to be a bright and cheery -
almost sunny - place to hang out with him. And the days that it is sunny, well, it'll be that much

I did all the prep work before Jacob got home from work, and then my job was the edges and corners and tricky little spots. Jacob did the rollin' rollin' rollin' job. We had a great time! Did I ever mention that at one point, among my many interesting career aspirations, I wanted to be a painter? Yep. I've done a bit of it before - I thought it would be kind of fun to listen to music all day and paint, but after I painted a few consecutive days I realized it would also get old really fast if that's all I did day in and day out. So now it's a hobby. But I still get really excited about painting! And I think Jacob enjoyed it, too! (Of course I had to convince him several times not to paint

Here are the results:

This is the dresser/changing table we got for Sawyer. I've changed enough diapers in my 11 years as a nanny to know that true "changing tables" are unnecessary- and sometimes even dangerous when the child gets older and learns/loves to crawl up the side. Half the time I end up changing babies on the floor or elsewhere anyway so I figured this would work just great...and later it can just be a dresser.

I have to admit, I love the colors and simplicity of these prints I got from
Speesees. I got them before we were even trying to get pregnant. I've been excited about becoming a mommy for a very very long time!

We completely lucked out and were very blessed that Jacob's boss and his wife gave us this Italian Pali crib. It is exactly the crib I wanted - white, top-rated for safety, and simple. Perfect. (Although I doubt we'll even have the baby sleep in it for the first 4-6 months!) Stay tuned, because I have plans to attempt to make my own mobile once I'm done working in a couple of months. I'll have to let you all know how it turns out! (Plans include origami paper cranes!)

We can't forget to mention my favorite part: the gliding rocker. Jacob's parents got this for us for Christmas, and I've already spent several hours in it. I know I will spend many, many more once Sawyer is here! I've heard some people say that gliders are ugly - but to me, they are quite heavenly! It even rocks
me to sleep!
We are definitely getting ready for our baby boy - and very excited about it. I want to get a lot done earlier rather than later, so I can go in the nursery and just sit and relax instead of stressing at the last minute. I'd rather spend my final weeks going for walks in the spring sunshine and doing some yoga than scrambling to get things ready. Here's to Sawyer and his new yellow room!