We are lucky to have such a healthy, happy, active baby boy! Sawyer is a pure delight!

On Monday, Sawyer turned 7 months old! I know I've said it before...but oh how the time does fly!

He is growing in leaps and bounds. He is crawling around like crazy (he started going forward the day after Christmas) and getting into...
everything, of course!

I took him to one of the parks close to our home (Gas Works Park) for a little photo session to commemorate his 7 month old birthday. He was fascinated by the pigeons.

My mission, though, was to capture his toothless grin. Jacob recently told me that he will miss seeing that toothless grin once Sawyer's teeth come popping through, which should be anytime now. So I wanted to capture his toothless smile before it's gone, and give it to Jacob. I made it into a card for our anniversary. I have to admit, I think I managed to capture it in all it's glory! Here's to our fun little, active little, mobile little toothless-grinning man! May his smile brighten your day!