-She says "Mama" but I'm not sure she really means it...yet. She makes the cutest little noises and has such a sweet little voice. (I should also note that while some of her noises are cute, sweet, and little, she has also learned how to screech and make some pretty loud noises thanks to her big bro.)She now gets upset (and voices it) when Sawyer grabs a toy away from her. We've been working on sharing and trading. She now has a few of her own cars to share and trade with her brother (I tried to pick out girly cars...pink cadillac, purple cruiser...)
-She continues to be fascinated with her brother. She loves Sawyer. She watches him and laughs at him and follows him around, everywhere. It is sweet.
-Food has never been a problem with this girl! I started making homemade baby food and she loves everything from Asparagus to Organic Peaches. She also likes those little "puffs" and is really good at grabbing them and putting them in her mouth. She has also learned how to drink water from her sippy cup. No signs of teeth, yet.
-It is getting difficult to change her diaper and her clothes...we call her Miss Wiggles...she likes to wiggle and roll and crawl away.
-She loves water. She loves having bath time with her brother.
And she is SUCH a little FISH! This summer we went to family swim once a week and she has no problem being dunked or thrown up for a big splash or kicking or back-floating. She makes very happy noises in the water and she flirted with way too many lifeguards. I love that she loves to swim!
-She loves playing outside, and going for nice long walks. She loves singing and reading stories (still have to watch out that she doesn't eat the book...) She also loves dancing.
-She loves playing with her brother's cars...and the duplo legos are a big hit, too. The better to suck on, I suppose!
-She loves when Daddy comes home...she books it towards his voice as he comes up the stairs in his biking gear. She gets giddy to see him and it warms my heart. I think he likes it too :)
-Sleeping...she still sleeps and snuggles right between us. We love waking up to her big smiles and little legs a kickin' to start a new day!