the past three days have been teasing us...
because it's almost been like summer,
yet we know it won't last
(as every Seattleite knows, summer in Seattle doesn't officially arrive until July 5th)
we took full advantage and rolled with it!

we had our inaugural beach day
with some of our favorite friends.
not that we don't already spend lots of time at the beach
but today,
we sported our swimming suits
and showed off our glowing white bodies
all with lots of pleasure and joy
basking in the warm, sunny weather
barefeet in the sand and water.
oh, how we love our Matthews Beach!
i used to go night swimming here - all through college
(and well beyond)
and i used to bring my nanny kids
and now i bring my own. I LOVE IT!

two bathing little beauties...
Aspen and her bestie, Ruby
these girls are at such fun ages!
While us girls were hanging out,
their big brothers were running back and forth between
the beach
the brand spankin' new playground

we ended up staying 5 hours
and skipping naptime
(because on a day like this, all rules go out the window!)
we even drove the Mickie D's on our way home,
and I let Sawyer devour a fudge sunday in his carseat
while his sister passed out from our long day at the beach
(I devoured a fudge sunday in the driver's seat, just so you know) know i shouldn't make a habit of posting nude pics on the web...but...

my friend, Allegra, and i BUSTED a GUT laughing
when we saw this naked boy running across the lawn,
pushing his dumptruck along,
just like it was totally normal to run around naked pushing dumptrucks across public beaches and playgrounds. no hesitation, peeps. (i am happy he's so comfortable in his own skin!)
apparently, he needed to pee...
so he shed his clothing, peed on the lawn
(who needs a bush when you have a huge, open lawn?)
and then ran on his merry way - leaving his clothes behind.
this happened not only once, but twice.
and i know i shouldn't encourage it, but
my-oh-my i am gonna hang onto these photos for the future
(doesn't every kid need a couple of embarassingly cute photos that their parents can use as blackmail at some point?)

yes, today was one of the best days of our lives.
i just LOVE these kinds of days!
hope ya'll had a good one, too!