Friends and Family came from far and near to get wet at
Sawyer & Forrest's Pool Party!
(the above photo is Sawyer with Aunt Tia, who came from Boston! I know, I know - she could almost pass as me, huh? I forget I'm a twin until we are hanging out together and we still get people staring and asking "are you twins?" although we both laughed when we were at the park and someone asked that and they were directing the question at Sawyer and Aspen...I still can't figure out why people always ask us if they're twins!)

This year, we kept things simple and rented the Mounger Pool for party time! Sawyer and his Buddy, Forrest, shared their first birthday party, and since they are life long friends and it's nicer to split the cost of renting the pool since we share so many of the same friends, that's just what we did! Pretty much all we had to do was show up and have fun!

I must admit, the morning of the party when it started raining I was a little worried. It had been gorgeous the day before - and then rain? Well, the nice thing is that the pool is kept at a bath-water-warm 96 degrees, so even if it was pouring, it would've felt nice in the pool! And there was a fun, steamy effect when we first arrived!
I think everyone was pleasantly surprised at the warm pool water - my sister who brought her cute family up from Tacoma didn't even hesitate taking her baby in...everyone had a blast!

Sawyer was super excited that his cousin, Alyssa, could come to the party. They love to play together and it melts my heart! Here she is, going down the little slide (she went down the big slide later, and loved it!)
I almost didn't bring the camera, just because I wanted to simply enjoy the party - but as we were pulling out the driveway I knew I would regret if I didn't at least get a few pictures of the party, with all the lovely friends and family gathered around our boys, celebrating coming into their third year.
I didn't take that many pictures, though, because I wanted to hop in the pool myself! I only wish I had a picture of me and Aspen going down the BIG corkscrew slide! It's like a mini-waterslide and she looooves it as much as I do!

Trophy Cupcakes. Courtesy of Cassandra (Forrest's amazing Mommy!) Mmmmmm.

I just loved the look on Sawyer's face when he opened Aunt Tia's gift: a puppet/plush dragon with 3 heads and wings. Priceless!

and plenty of new wheels...

Forrest being sweet with his Mommy!
I can hardly believe our boys are THREE now! But they surely are! May all of your birthday wishes come true, Sawyer and Forrest! We love you!
Thanks to everyone who came to help them celebrate!
We hope you had as much fun as we did!