July 12, 2011

Jetty Island

This morning for Nature School, we fled the mainland.

We drove about 30 minutes north and caught a cute little ferry to Jetty Island. I heard about this little gem last year, but it was too late to go (it is only open a few months during the year), so I was thrilled when I heard we were headed there for Nature School! Thanks, Sara!


Our lesson/activities/songs/games/art all centered around...SHARKS!

We all had a BLAST, and honestly, I could've spent a week there. It was super fun, warm (even the water was bath-warm) and most of all, totally relaxing.

The kids just ran and ran and got super sandy and dirty and wet wet wet. I changed Aspen's clothes 3 times because she just couldn't stay clean and dry. It's amazing how sand always seems to find all the nooks, crannies, and creases of the little people. We are used to sand at our house, but still, I am always amazed :)

We found part of a crab shell.

Some of the kids dug into the sand during low tide and made a little "swimming pool" which got a lot of use!

I have to admit, I even took a dip in it myself!

What little boy can't resist jumping off the mountains of sand?

(even if he's in his undies?)

I think this girl liked the "pool" best of all.

She would go running at it, make herself fall down and splash, and then get up and and say "more more more!"

What a great way to start the week!

We will surely be going back to Jetty Island
- and taking Daddy with us!


allegra said...

oh my gosh! That last photo is PERFECTION! the expression, moment captured, coloring... I love it all. You've GOT to print that one. So so cute. Jetty island? What the? It looks like paradise! I've got to go asap!! I've come to the conclusion that I've only discovered about 5 percent of the beautiful places to go around here. There's so many beaches I can't count them all!

Thanks for the tour guide. Might have to make a trip out. Max would love it:)

Martha said...

that looks SO FUN! i haven't heard of jetty island. i want to go to there!

Danielle said...

I should add this to my summer bucket list. :)

kd said...

Sounds/looks fantastic! Man I am so jealous of your Nature School :)