Yesterday, Sawyer had his first "play date". My friend asked me to watch her son while she did a biking event. Grant and Sawyer were born only 6 days apart. Grant weighed almost twice as much as Sawyer at birth. It's fun to see how they are both growing and learning fun new things.

Since they are so close in age, it was kind of like taking care of twins, even though they don't look anything like each other...well they are both cute and chubby.

It was fun watching them. They played in the "gym" together. Swatted at the little animals. It was interesting because I have always thought Sawyer was an "easy" baby. And he is. But Grant is SUPER laid back. Their little personalities shown brightly as Grant was content occasionally swatting the animals, looking around, taking it all in. My milk seems to be laced with caffeine lately, because Sawyer can be quite hyper and intense, I suppose you could say passionate - about swatting the animals - almost like they were punching bags. It was pretty funny.

We also took a long walk down to the South Lake Union Park in our double jogging stroller. Grant slept most of the time. Sawyer was seething with energy. We watched the sea planes take off and land, and a few beautiful sailboats go by. We also spent some time singing and doing rhyme activities. They both just laid there looking up at me and smiling. It was a fun day with two boys! As you can see from this last picture, Sawyer had a great time. We'll have to have play dates more often!