On the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create
a dream come true...
Karen Carpenter

I am 4 months old.
I weigh 15lbs, 6oz (55th%).
I am 23 3/4 inches long (20th%).
I am roly-poly and very adorable.
This past month I:
-Went on my first family vacation, to the Oregon Coast - and wiggled my toes in white sand for the first time (I loved it!)
-Had my first "play date" with my little friend, Grant.
-Am still enamored with my hands (sucking on them, using them to hit, grasp, grab-mommy's hair is a favorite- and shake my rattles).
-Have also recently discovered my feet. They are fun to hold on to.
-Really like to use my voice. Whether laughing, giggling, cooing, or just experimenting, I've learned it's a fun and useful tool.
-Am starting Baby Signs with my parents. Right now I'm just watching them and learning the signs, but in a few months I'll give signing back a shot ;)
-Was left with a babysitter for the first time (with our nice neighbors, Nathan, Melissa, and their little boy, Samuel) while mom and dad went out to dinner on their first date without me.
-Have nailed down (pretty much) my daily nap schedule. I make it much more predictable these days.
I love:
-My "winkel" toy (pictured above) it's definitely my favorite toy.
-Storytime and books.
-Listening to music and doing activity songs and rhymes.
-Watching my Daddy play his guitar and sing to me.
-Shopping - there's so many interesting shapes,colors, smells, and people to see!
-Playing in my exersaucer. I figured out quickly how all the toys and gadgets work and get a kick out of "standing up" in it and bouncing around.
-Snuggling up and having Mommy rock me and sing to me.
-Going for long walks outside.
-Listening to Dad whistle. I find it fascinating.
-Rolling over (first time was at 10 weeks). I feel so proud of myself when I roll over!
-Watching Mom and Dad work in the kitchen. Sometimes Mom pretends she's putting on a cooking show for me and it makes me laugh!
-All my friends at church (the girls in the singles ward love me)!
I don't like:
Honestly, there is not much I don't like. I'm pretty easy to please. Because I'm such a good, happy baby, Mom doesn't mind it too much that I don't let her sleep through the night...yet. I just enjoy having some nice warm milk and cuddling up to my mom. Mom gets kinda tired sometimes, but soon enough, this will pass. She hears so many people talk about how fast babies grow up that she doesn't mind this time - she is doing her best to treasure it. She will have lots of good cuddly memories of our special time at night. I think she's going to have a hard time letting me move into my own room and into my crib. She loves having me right next to her. But in the next few weeks we are going to work on that transition...wish us luck!