August 6, 2008


This is what Sawyer looked like at 5:55am. Oh, so peaceful. Mind you, he was up 3 times last night. I am puzzled. He was getting up only once a night (about 3:30am), which I thought was great, and then all of a sudden 3 days ago, he started getting up every 2 hours. Hmm. At least he doesn't cry when he gets up. He just makes a sucking noise so I put him in bed and feed him, change his diaper if needed, then right back to the bassinet and he goes right back to sleep. At 5am I just keep him in bed with us. Maybe I should just wait until he cries before I grab him up? Maybe it's me who has the real problem waking up at night? I guess I have always been a night owl!

This is Sawyer at 6:05am. Kicking his legs like mad, and smiling at me, super happy (Daddy was at the gym). I guess he got enough sleep to feel chipper :)

6:15am. Sun beating in, fan blowing air on us like a fresh summer breeze, windows open, and birds a-chirpin'. Night-gown comes off. (Note: the double chin. We have started calling him the "chunky monkey".)

6:20am. Well, if he can be in such a good mood in the can I! Let's play! Time for a photoshoot so we can always remember what fun we have in the morning!

I hope your morning was as wonderful as mine, and that your evenings rest was 10 times better! Here's to a wonderful new day! We are taking Sawyer to the pool tonight for his first Family Swim (actually, his first swim besides the bath tub)!


AO said...

Oh Tysha, what FUN comments and pictures! Someone did tell me when babies get 2 months old they randomly start waking up during the night to play so Sawyer must just want to play :)I can't wait to hear about Family Swim time. You are a WONDERFUL photographer by the way!

Rachel and Jared said...

Awesome pictures! I know exactly how that feels. Love ya,


Joe and Joanne said...

He's so adorable Tysha. Maybe he's up at night because he knows he'll get even MORE time with Mom if he does! :)
Such a cutie!

kd said...

Great pics shutterbug. Be careful that you're not training him to get up because of the attention (i.e. if I were you I would start waiting for a cry).
Hey I'm in town now but don't have your number so I'm going to try to email you...

Auburn said...

babies are the BEST in the morning. I love that happiness. I feel you on the eating. They go in spurts, but eventually they get it figured out and sleep through the night!

Corey said...

Welcome to the life of a 2 month old. Both my boys did the same thing. You think you got their sleep schedule down pat and POW they change it on you. Not to be a downer though, but just wait until the teething begins and he'll throw you through another loop. Good luck on getting your needed Zzzzs and may we all sleep peacefully tonight!