February 6, 2009

The Other Sawyer

Our boy is so much fun. He is very social (although lately a bit shy) and friendly. He gets very excited when he wakes up from his nap and I say "Where's Sawyer?" We then race around the house (well, at least down the 5 feet of hallway in our small apartment between his room and ours) and twirl a couple of times around and then shut the door to "find" his "friend" - the Other Sawyer.

Then, we point and say "There he is!!!" And he gets the biggest smile. He laughs. And then he keeps peeking over each of my shoulders to see the baby in the mirror.

He gets such a kick out of our little game. Of course, so do I. I think it is fascinating to watch babies look at themselves in the mirror when they are just forming a sense of self. It was hilarious when I was a nanny for identical twin girls: I'd hold one of them in front of the mirror and she would squeal in delight, point at her reflection, and say her sister's name. So cute. I'm not quite sure if Sawyer understands yet that he is seeing himself in the mirror...but at least for now, he sure enjoys finding Sawyer - the other one.

PS - he also gets excited when he sees pictures of himself (ie he's sitting on my lap as I type this and as I upload the pictures he starts making happy babbling noises - after all, there's his friend! Good thing he has some real friends coming over in just a little while - I hope he is as excited to see his little buddies Lucy and Alice as he is to see himself !)


Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

So glad it worked out that we could come see you today! We had lots of fun! We'll have to do it again soon - Alice needs another crawling lesson from your little mover and shaker!

Brittany said...

he is dang cute!

Ammo and Josh said...

wow, Sawyer is getting so B-I-G! What a cutie!