Something I wish I got on film (of the video variety) is when we were undecorating the tree and it started tipping over and I heard a little voice say "uh oh!" I looked through the branches only to find that it was the sweet little voice of Aspen! Now she will throw things on the floor and say "uh oh" because apparently, it is hilarious. Love her!
I have a few more pics I'd love to put up, but honestly, folks, I just don't have the time. Like the series of her ripping the hat off. And the cute little smiles where she squinches her nose all up and shows off the buds of her little teethers trying to break through (she did, I might add, get her two front teeth for christmas - just barely broke through, so not much to see, yet). It will be fun to see how she looks with a mouth full of chompers one of these days. (btw I love that my kids are "late" teethers - lots more time to enjoy that gummy goodness!) Anyway, I'll save those shots for our family album or her book.
But I did want to put up one, cuz she's just the cutest little button around. We love her so...and enjoy immensely watching her grow. I am enjoying being a mother and don't feel like rushing it. Having two close together was fun, but I am in no hurry to be done with the "childbearing" years. Even though my clock is a-tickin'. I want to enjoy it and not rush it. (do I hear an echo? do I say this every time I post about her growing a month older? I'm pretty sure I do!) Time, please slow down a little bit! We certainly are hoping and planning to add to our family all in good time, but, for now, we are just enjoying what we have ;) Too often I feel we are rushing to do this and that and forget to just enjoy what we have RIGHT NOW. Or maybe that's just me? Well, I have a Birthday Brunch to plan, invites to design, decorations to make, a couple of from-the-heart gifts to sew, and presents to wrap - all within a month of vacationing, our 4th wedding anniversary, my 34th birthday, and the usual busy-ness of life -- so I'll be signing off now. I'm not sure when I'll be back. I need a little break :)
Wishing everyone a wonderful and exciting new year ahead!