This week, Sawyer started swimming lessons.
Every day, for two weeks.
Today is Thursday, and it is the first time the sun was out all week during his 9am lessons (good thing they keep the learning pool at 96 degrees!).

The first day, they line all the kids up just to kind of see where they are at. Kids have to be 3 to be in "real" lessons. I noticed a lot of the kids are closer to 4 in this class - but that's okay. My boy with a summer birthday will probably always be the youngest and smallest in the class, so he might as well get used to it (unless someone can convince me to wait until 6 to send him to kindergarten - which is what everyone is trying to do in this city...the trend it to send boys with summer birthdays at 6 instead of 5...but that's another discussion)

The first two days, he was in a class that had a boy teacher - the only boy teacher - and he thought it was really cool.
Then, for no apparent reason that I could see, they moved him up a level. I was worried he would be upset that he wasn't with teacher Tristan anymore...but then he got teacher Mary...and he loves her!

The hardest part about lessons, so far, is getting ourselves out the door by 8:30am. It's not that early, but to pack clothes, snacks, fresh towels, etc., and make sure that we down some breakfast before we head out - well, it's slightly tricky (especially when they tend to wake up close to 8am!). It has opened my eyes a bit to the fact that when Preschool starts this fall (same time and two blocks from the pool) I might even have to get myself up before the kids. It will be good for me :)
Wait, I LIED!
The HARDEST part about lessons, is keeping Aspen from running and jumping in the pool with all the other kids! I had to wrangle her on one hip while I snapped these photos today...the girl just wants to have fun, what can I say? And honestly, I'd love to jump in myself!
The BEST part about lessons, is to see my boy sit and listen and follow instructions and let a teacher gently push him beyond his level of comfort rather than me. It really does make a difference. It has been so much fun to see him having fun out there - and he is so cute, we got some special swim shampoo for him and he LOVES to take a shower after class. We wait in line and he just stands in the shower with his shampoo-covered buzz-cut-hair and he has a blast. He asked today "do we get to come back tomorrow?" and it makes me happy that he is enjoying his class, while learning important skills. It is really important to us that our kids learn how to swim properly, and also learn how to be safe around the water, since we are surrounded by it where we live.
It's a good thing summer finally came back today.
We are wading pool bound after naps...
and lucky for all of us, we will hit up the pool twice tomorrow-
once for lessons,
and again - for our weekly (and fave thing EVER) family swim!
Then, Aspen will have her chance.
Unlike her brother - she throws ALL caution to the wind.
She is one who would seriously run and jump in if we weren't looking.
Hooray for swim lessons and here's to lots more pool time this summer!
ps-if any locals want to join us at the Mounger Pool for Family Swim on Friday night - it happens from 5:30-7:30pm and on a nice night, you've got to get in line right away because if they reach capacity, they'll turn you away. They always have a theme, and music, and games going along with the event - and we always pack a picnic dinner and head over to the park right afterwards. We'd love company - it's SUCH fun and we look forward to it every week!
*for those of you not from Seattle...let's just say summer has been teasing us and taken her sweet time to arrive -and stay.
Quick note to summer:
My dearest Summer - please STAY this time, we love you so - we've been waiting for you since last winter, heck, even last fall. Don't tell fall, winter, or spring, but you are my FAVORITE season. Especially in Seattle, where you are PERFECT. Please stay a while - you can even extend your stay since your arrival was delayed. More than fine with me. You can even stay at our house, if you'd like. We have a couple of fun camping trips coming up, and dry/warm/sunny weather would be greatly appreciated - especially when we backpack with two toddlers. Thanks! Can't wait to see you at the wading pool, park, duck pond, beach, playground, and pool! Oh, and in our garden would be nice, too :)
Cheers to that, sister!!! So nice to see Sawyer loving the water!!!
yeah, i think summer *may* be here to stay.? Hopefully?! :) yeah right! ha ha. It will prob. start raining tomorrow. Sawyer is too cute in his little swim trunks. Going European on us. ha ha. They're totally cute and totally in style! One of my cousins, when we were in Lake Powell this year, was sporting the shorter, tighter swim trunks. And he wore them well, but he is also an Abercrombie and Fitch model so he's kinda ripped. LOL. Sawyer sports them well, too. Okay, I'm rambling.
Swim lessons look fun! Still need to get Max in some! I was talking with a lady at the park the other day, and the new Lynwood Rec pool is awesome, but the swim lesson wait, I hear... is over a year? Mounlake terrace pool supposedly has the best swim lessons too so I'll have to check them out.
Maybe we'll head to family swim tomorrow.. *If* Dan can get off work a bit early.
p.s. I pulled up my email and was looking at next month's playgroup in our ward...and guess what was on the agenda for mid August? Jetty Island!! You're more than welcome to come with us and fit it Jetty Island round #2 if you'd like:)
er! scratch that idea. I forgot we got a sitter and have that funny youtube party tomorrow, duh. Maybe next week we'll join 'ya at family swim:) I don't know if we'll have enough time to do both.
.....and, sorry for the mass comments. ha ha. that realization just popped into my head all of a sudden. Can't believe it's already Thursday?
Love the little swim trunks! I love watching Jack learn and listen from someone else too. He took a swim lesson again today...we took a long break from it since Madi. It is so fun...I think. I'm glad summer has hit Seattle finally! Hopefully it stays longer.
The Swim Trunks came from Boden (a British Company, so I guess you could say they truly are European-ish :) Someone tipped me that sometimes little boys, in particular, have a harder time at swim lessons if they have super baggy/heavy swim trunks on. So we went with those...I couldn't do speedos...but these, I could do :) And I DO think they are super cute. I'm pretty sure they'll fit next summer, too!
@Allegra - As for lessons...yes, I was on-line trying to get into swim lessons for FOUR HOURS back in April. Seriously? It was almost worse than trying to get into a pottery class in college ;) And kinda spendy, too - but totally worth it! I hear Mountlake Terrace Pool is also great for lessons - but I bet they're already booked through the summer as well. Wanna do a fall class?
Next week we won't be at family swim - we'll be at the Beatles Cover Band Concert at Magnuson Park - you guys have got to join us! Creme Tangerine...they cover the entire Abbey Road Album!
cute pics! I was so bummed when it was raining this morning but it cleared up enough this afternoon to go for a bike ride together.
We'll have to join you at the pool sometime. Sounds fun!
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