December 25, 2008
December 19, 2008
Sawyer meets Santa

Nice meeting you, Santa! We'll hope you stop by to see us in a few days!
December 18, 2008
Let it Snow!

December 15, 2008
6 Months Old!!

A special thanks to Daddy for taking me to my 6 month check-up while Mom was home with the flu. I got a chance to show him how brave I was - after 3 shots and 2 minutes of crying, I was reaching for the check up table paper and ready to tear it to shreds again!
I am 6 months old.
I weigh 17 lbs 9 oz. (50%)
I am 25.5 inches tall (25%)
I am one healthy boy...on the verge of crawling, super coordinated, and according to my Pediatrician have an unusually sunny disposition and am "VERY motor!!! - watch out!"
This past month I:
-Went to Oregon and had my first Thanksgiving (Mom gave me some mashed potatoes!). At Grammy and Gramps house, we also had a bonfire and I watched everyone roast hot dogs - but mostly I just LOVED staring at the fire, and the stars. Mom & Dad, Aunt Jamie and Brandon all took me swimming and I had a lot of fun in the pool, I even made friends with a little boy named Jesse (he's 5).
-Love to BOUNCE and JUMP up and down in my exersaucer.
-Still enjoy sucking and gnawing on my hands, fingers, fists, and toes.
-Learned to sit all by myself and now proudly sit in the bathtub and play with my squirty toys.
-Really like to experiment with my voice. I've discovered that when I squeal in church, it echoes. Lucky for me, they all adore me and don't mind the noise (I'm the only baby).
-Am still watching Mom and Dad sign a few basics at me. I'm thinking about responding...eventually. I have let on that I understand the "more" and "all done" signs at mealtime.
-Had my first (paid) sitter come over to watch me while Mom and Dad went to Mint's Holiday dinner. I didn't take the bottle, but I had a great time playing with my sitter!
-Finally have my nap schedule down pat. I usually sleep about an hour at 9am and then about 2 hours at 1pm. Yay for naps! (Now, if I could just get my Mom to take one!)
-Have started saying "Ma-Ma" a LOT (among other vowel-sounds, also "Na Na, Da Da" etc.) but it's more just because it's fun to say than because I'm directing it at Mom (yet).
-Am starting to get the hang of drinking from my sippy cup.
I love:
-My homemade toys and my stacking cups (they are SO fun to knock over!).
-Bathtime w/ my bathtoys!
-Storytime, books, and activity songs and rhymes. My favorite songs are: The Wheels on the Bus, I am a Child of God, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Grand Old Duke of York, and Silent Night.
-Snuggling and cuddling while Mommy rocks and sings to me.
-Being outside and looking at everything there is to see.
-Touching many different textures.
-Sitting on the kitchen floor and watching/helping/cheering on my parents while they cook.
-Giving my Mommy slobbery kisses all over her cheeks. (But not Daddy, his face is too rough and bristly!)
-My class at school. And all the friends I have that are my age! We are starting to notice one another more and more and interact - it's fun.
-Food. Organic Carrots are my absolute FAVE!
I don't like:
Well, it's pretty frustrating when you get yourself situated in one direction and try moving forward...but end up pushing yourself up and scooting yourself backward, even further away from the object of interest. I am so close to getting it - I wriggle and roll and often get my target - but I just need to get this crawling thing figured out and I'll be super happy - and super into EVERYTHING. I'm an extremely energetic guy! Good thing my parents think of me as a Little Scientist and let me explore everything (within the realms of safety). Life is Good!

December 13, 2008
Hot Chocolate and Santa's Helpers

My mother was and is an amazing helper to Santa. I will never forget the year that she went to buy some shoes for one of my siblings (there are 8 kids in our family) and she discovered that the shoe sales lady was a single mom who couldn't afford to do anything for Christmas for her little son. My mom came home, touched with the spirit of charity, which is a pure, Christ-like love. She enlisted our help and we picked out and wrapped toys for the little boy, pajamas and perfume for the mother, and put together two boxes of food for a complete Christmas dinner. My mom had me and my sister, Rachel, find the woman in the shoe department and give her a card from "Santa's Helpers". It said she needed to go by the catalog department (I think it was in JC Penney - back in the day!) before she went home that night, as Santa had left a few things for her. The woman started crying. My sister and I ran off. Our hearts were overflowing. What a priceless lesson my mother taught us.
Anyway, this season has been so special. We are enjoying each day of our Advent. We hope you are doing the same!
December 12, 2008
All in 182.5 days! (aka Sawyer's 1/2 Birthday!)
December 9, 2008
The Origin of Baubles
Last night, for our Family Home Evening, we did some searching to discover any significance behind some of what are todays common Christmas Traditions or symbols. Most of the "traditions" have pagan origins, but not all. Many people have found a way to create significance that ties into Christ, but most did not begin with that intention. One symbol of Christmas we were quite fascinated with are trees and ornaments. We certainly love our dear old Tannenbaum, but you must admit it seems a little silly that people grow a tree for 10 years to cut it down and display it in their living room 2-4weeks out of the year. Or spend hundreds of dollars to have an artificial one on hand for the occasion. It's a little weird, don't you think? While I won't share everything we learned (try it out - it's very interesting and fun and Wikipedia has a lot of information)...I do want to share a bit about ornaments...or bulbs...or BAUBLES.

Anyway, the inside of his hand blown glass decorations were made to look silvery, at first with mercury or lead, then later using a special compound of silver nitrate and sugar water.

In the 1880s, American F.W. Woolworth discovered Lauscha's baubles during a visit to Germany. He made a fortune by importing the German glass ornaments to the United States. Today there are still about 20 small glass-blowing firms active in Lauscha that produce baubles. One of the producers is Krebs Glas Lauscha, which I found on-line and grabbed some of my favorite ornaments from their website to display here for all of you.

I think I may have found something new to collect. The only things I collect are vinyl records and magnets of places I've traveled. Perhaps I can save my pennies and collect an ornament each year so by the time we take the plastic ornaments off of our tree in about a decade, we'll have some very cool - perhaps I should say BEAUTIFUL - and authentic baubles to decorate with, shipped straight from Lauscha, Germany. I am, afterall, half German. :)

Okay, one more bauble of interest. Have any of you ever heard or done the tradition of the Christmas pickle? We had not heard of it before, even though it is supposedly a favorite game in most American households (a game, yet again, of German origin - we found that many Christmas traditions seem to stem from Germany). Apparently, it is a pickle-shaped ornament hidden in the tree. The child who finds it on Christmas morning receives an extra present. Anyone looking for a new family tradition might consider the pickle.
If you want to take a look at more of the beautiful baubles from Krebs Glas Lauscha, you can take a look here:
Be sure to click on the English option and remember to calculate the exchange rate for dollars to Euros. Hope you enjoy!
Be sure to click on the English option and remember to calculate the exchange rate for dollars to Euros. Hope you enjoy!
December 6, 2008
Christmas Newsletter

Happy Holidays! We hope this little letter finds you and yours healthy, happy, and enjoying the Holiday Season. This is our first attempt at a newsletter. We are hoping to make it a tradition to send a little note with the highlights from our year. This year, we’ll make it short and sweet. Surely, as time goes on and our family grows, the letter will get longer, but since this is the beginning…
We spent much of our year anticipating and preparing for the birth of our first child. In January, Jacob surprised me and whisked me away to spend a long weekend in the San Juan Islands to celebrate our first anniversary. It was absolutely beautiful, and we lucked out with great weather for hiking and exploring all around the island. On my birthday, we had the ultrasound that told us we were likely having a boy! We painted his room and got everything ready. We waited and watched my belly slowly grow to look like a soccer ball.
Sawyer James Carter entered the world on June 12, 2008. He weighed a mere 5lbs 12oz. and was super alert at birth. Just as we were enjoying the thrill of welcoming a new life to the world, we also had to say a bittersweet good-bye as my grandfather passed away two days after Sawyer’s birth. We are sure he gave Sawyer some words of wisdom as they passed each other in the corridors between heaven and earth. Our son is such a miracle and a marvel, just bursting full of smiles and energy. We absolutely love being parents to such an amazing little child. He fills our lives with joy and keeps us grinning…sometimes even at 3am.
We were also blessed to be able to get together with family several times throughout the year. We had a fun and low-key summer, and were blessed to spend some time together as a new little family on the Oregon Coast early this fall. We enjoyed some hiking, hunting for lighthouses, and time spent together walking on the beaches.
Jacob continues his amazing work as a Graphic Designer at Mint Design here in Seattle. I love being a stay-at-home momma and sometimes still wonder if people think I am Sawyer’s nanny when they see us at the park. People have begun to inquire about my love/hobby of photography and I have begun working with babies, children, and families and am planning (with Jacob’s help) to start a small business next year, just for fun. Sawyer continues to grow “like a weed” (only much cuter!). We are hoping he will hold off on crawling until after the holidays, as he’s raring to go! This should be a very exciting new year ahead for all of us!
We spent much of our year anticipating and preparing for the birth of our first child. In January, Jacob surprised me and whisked me away to spend a long weekend in the San Juan Islands to celebrate our first anniversary. It was absolutely beautiful, and we lucked out with great weather for hiking and exploring all around the island. On my birthday, we had the ultrasound that told us we were likely having a boy! We painted his room and got everything ready. We waited and watched my belly slowly grow to look like a soccer ball.
Sawyer James Carter entered the world on June 12, 2008. He weighed a mere 5lbs 12oz. and was super alert at birth. Just as we were enjoying the thrill of welcoming a new life to the world, we also had to say a bittersweet good-bye as my grandfather passed away two days after Sawyer’s birth. We are sure he gave Sawyer some words of wisdom as they passed each other in the corridors between heaven and earth. Our son is such a miracle and a marvel, just bursting full of smiles and energy. We absolutely love being parents to such an amazing little child. He fills our lives with joy and keeps us grinning…sometimes even at 3am.
We were also blessed to be able to get together with family several times throughout the year. We had a fun and low-key summer, and were blessed to spend some time together as a new little family on the Oregon Coast early this fall. We enjoyed some hiking, hunting for lighthouses, and time spent together walking on the beaches.
Jacob continues his amazing work as a Graphic Designer at Mint Design here in Seattle. I love being a stay-at-home momma and sometimes still wonder if people think I am Sawyer’s nanny when they see us at the park. People have begun to inquire about my love/hobby of photography and I have begun working with babies, children, and families and am planning (with Jacob’s help) to start a small business next year, just for fun. Sawyer continues to grow “like a weed” (only much cuter!). We are hoping he will hold off on crawling until after the holidays, as he’s raring to go! This should be a very exciting new year ahead for all of us!
Sending all our love, and wishing you all a blessed and very happy New Year!
December 5, 2008
Decking our Halls...

December 1, 2008
Christmas Advent

Day 1: (today!) Family Home Evening: Decorate Christmas Tree/Start Advent Candle
Scripture: Luke 8:41-56 (Jesus Christ was compassionate)
Day 2: Write Christmas Cards/Newsletter
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 (Jesus Christ was forgiving)
Day 3: Bake goodies to share with others
Scripture: John 4:46-53 (Jesus Christ has the power to heal)
Day 4: Go to a Christmas Party! (We are going to our ward Christmas Dinner Party)
Scripture: John 2:13-17 (Jesus Christ was reverent; opposed evil)
Day 5: Go downtown to enjoy the Annual Figgy Pudding Caroling Contest
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus Christ has power over the elements)
Day 6: Listen to some live Christmas Music (We'll be going to the bonfire at the Seattle Center to listen to the Choirs Perform)
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16 (Jesus Christ loves little children)
Day 7: Watch or Listen to 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 (Jesus Christ made people happy)
Day 8: Family Home Evening: Read about the symbolism of Christmas favorites (ie the Candy Cane, Christmas Tree etc.) Find some symbols or traditions from other cultures/countries that are interesting (ie do people who live on islands build "snowmen" out of Sand? Hmm...) Find symbols related to Christ. For a treat, make some sugar cookies in the shapes of the symbols.
Scripture: Luke 22:41-45 (Jesus Christ sacrificed for others)
Day 9: Pick a name off the "giving tree" and shop for a child who is less fortunate than we are.
Scripture: John 13:3-17 (Jesus Christ was humble)
Day 10: Go see the Winterfest Train and Village at the Seattle Center.
Scripture: Luke 6:12-13 (Jesus Christ as prayerful)
Day 11: Have a hot chocolate party before bed.
Scripture: Luke 2:51-52 (Jesus Christ obeyed his parents)
Day 12: Go see the Christmas ship and choir at Carkeek Park (8pm at the Beach - they will also have a Bonfire going)
Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus Christ was obedient to God's law)
Day 13: Walk around Greenlake in the Path of Lights (bring food to donate to foodbank)
extra activity: Mint Design Holiday Dinner (Jacob's work)
Scripture: Matthew 5:2-16 (Jesus Christ gave wise counsel)
Day 14: Invite friends over to make Gingerbread Houses
Scripture: Luke 2:42-49 (Jesus Christ, even when 12, was a great Teacher)
Day 15: Family Home Evening: Invite friends over to watch Charlie Brown Christmas movie. Treats might include some egg nog or other seasonal favorites.
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 (Jesus Christ taught how to pray)
Day 16: Wrap and drop off our gifts to the Giving Tree
Scripture: Luke 8:5-16 (Jesus Christ taught wit stories)
Day 17: Read favorite Christmas Stories (The Gift of the Magi, The Polar Express, T'was the Night Before Christmas, etc.)
Scripture: Luke 15:4-7 (Jesus Christ helped sinners)
Day 18: Go see some Christmas lights (We'll start at U-Village where we'll introduce Sawyer to Santa for the first time, and then we'll go take a walk through Candy Cane Lane in the Ravenna neighborhood of Seattle...)
Scripture: Luke 10:29-36 (Jesus Christ was kind)
Day 19: Watch a classic Christmas Movie (White Christmas, anyone?)
Scripture: John 14:26-27 (Jesus Christ promised the Gift of the Holy Spirit)
Day 20: Take a ride on the Christmas Carousel and watch the fire dancers at the Winter Solstice Festival (@Seattle Center)
Scripture: Matthew 14:15-21 (Jesus Christ made miracles)
Day 21: Have a Twinkle Party. Turn off all lights except for Christmas lights and tree lights and enjoy looking at the lights and listening to favorite Christmas music.
Scripture: John 11:40-44 (Jesus Christ raised the dead)
Day 22: Family Home Evening: Watch Mr. Krueger's Christmas and take time to reflect about our Savior and our personal relationship with Him. Sing some favorite Christmas hymns together.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-33 (Jesus Christ is the son of God)
Day 23: Fly to Salt Lake City (we're spending Christmas in Utah this year with Jacob's family) and see the lights at Temple Square
Scripture: Luke 2:1-11 (Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy)
Day 24: Live Nativity and Sing Christmas Carols with family
Scripture: Matthew 2:9-12, Luke 2:12-16 (Jesus Christ was worshipped)
Day 25: Merry, Merry Christmas to all!
*Note: None of these activities cost money except for buying gifts for the child we choose from the Giving Tree, and riding the Carousel, which is $1/per ride. If you have a bigger budget than we do or your kids are older and would appreciate some of these ideas, here are some alternate ideas: cultural plays/musicals/dance such as The Nutcracker, Handel's Messiah, The Black Nativity and other plays or musical traditions. Also, sledding, ice-skating, etc. )
November 30, 2008
November 17, 2008
Sawyer and Sophie la Girafe

November 14, 2008
Mama's Main (morning) Man

Oh my golly! I just realized something!
November 12, 2008
5 months

November 10, 2008
Birthday Boy!

Jacob means the world to me. If I could describe him in just one word it would be: Amazing. He lights my world, lifts me up, cheers me on. He gives me a shoulder to cry on and someone to laugh with. He has made my fondest dreams come true (being a wife and a mother). He is a wonderful husband, and the kind of friend everyone needs. Sawyer lights up when he sees him. So do I. He is such a great Dad to our little son. I love him madly!
Happy Birthday, Jacob! May all your Birthday wishes come true!!!
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