Robert McCloskey's "Make Way For Ducklings" has been one of Sawyer's favorite books ever since Aunt Tia brought for him as a gift from Boston when she came to visit at Easter.
Every time we see a duck, he says "Mr. Mallard!!!"
I love it.
We were quite thrilled on our Sunday evening stroll, to find some ducklings. Jacob was out of town on business, and I didn't have the camera with me, as I had both my hands full with both kidlets.
But I wished I had it, when the sun was setting on the lake and we found the ducklings.
Hence, we went back the next evening. We waited. And waited. But finally, we found them.
We followed them half-way around the lake. They were just so cute!
My hands were really full, with Aspen in one arm, Sawyer within arms reach so he didn't take a dive into the lake, and the camera around my neck. But I managed to snap a few. Now that's what I call multi-tasking :)
I like how in the last photo, you can see the clouds reflected in the water. And how Mrs. Mallard has a very motherly look about her. She knew how to "raise up children", that's for sure!
ps- I love the first one of Mr. & Mrs. Mallard. Did you know ducks mate for life? Someone at the park told me that - I am going to believe it. Doesn't it look like they're stealing away for a kiss?