This afternoon Aspen rolled from her back to her tummy. Twice.

She already knows the tummy to back roll.

She has a pretty awesome cheering section.

And the prize was that her brother shared two of his favorite cars with her. Lucky girl.
Hooray, Aspen! Rolling both ways by 3.5 months! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up!
Note to Aspen: PLEASE don't crawl as early as your brother did!
*note the change of clothes and blankie under her...yes...between rolling and receiving the prize she spit up so much it was worthy of a new outfit. This still often happens multiple times a day. I usually change my outfit once or twice, as well. I told Jacob that instead of burp clothes we just need lots and lots of t-shirts :)
aspen, i'm going to have to keep you away from ruby if you're going to be a bad influence. a bad influence of growing up too quick that is. you should really stop that. no body likes it! :)
she is super advanced. rolling already? i must see this in person real soon.
What a speedy little girl! Go aspen! I can totally relate on the spit-up thing. Hannah was "Queen projectile spit-up" for a really long time. Her gag reflex was so sensitive, and I think that was the main reason why she didn't start eating solid foods for so long. She just couldn't keep anything down! I remember the days of having to put her in the bouncy seat while I took (yet another) shower for the day. GOOD LUCK! :)
Go little aspen! It looks like they are buddies! It is so great to see your kids excited and cheering the other on. What a little angel, wish I could hold her.
I have to add this comment for your own safety...my little ones have been spit uppy too. Twice I have lifted them up like you're doing in the picture below and yes.....the spit up ended up in my mouth!! Ewww! Don't let it happen to you. You have a darling little family and it's fun to see them grow up!
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