While in Oregon, I had some time to think about a lot of things. One thing I couldn't help but think about was "old things" as the kids and I explored Grammie and Grandpa's house and found many treasures. If you know me, you know I am a minimalist. I tend to lean toward more modern and contemporary, with as little clutter as I can muster in a household with two small children. My kids don't even have very many toys - only enough to fit on one small bookshelf in their room and in a basket in our main living area. But that doesn't mean I don't have some room for a few sentimental pieces, as well.
I found this quilt that my Great-grandmother made for my mother when she was a baby. It is perfect. Just perfect. I have been keeping my eye on quilts that I like - I am not a huge fan of quilts in general - but this one was simply perfect. The right colors. The right mood. Simple. Hand-stitched. Worn, and not too thick. I decided this is the quilt I would like to replicate. Well, someday, anyway...
I also went looking around in my parents huge garage and found this cradle that my Great Uncle Ed made for me when I was a little girl. I loved it then, to cradle my "babies" (who, by the way, were real, and if you called them dolls I would correct you). But now, I love it even more. It reminds me of him, and of my childhood. Of my world.
So, I put two very old, great things made by the handiwork of two great people, together with something rather new - my daughter. I wrapped her in the quilt in the cradle and there she was: perfect.
If I could steal that quilt, I would. If I had a bigger car, I would bring that cradle home. Lucky me, though, I get to have the real baby every day.
I do love old things like these.
What kind of old things do you treasure? Please, drop a note and share :)
PS - Happy 5 months today, Aspen!