Dear Aspen,
Every now and then, I get you all dressed up (or maybe all dressed down? Your cute little roly-poly bod is perfect as is). Just Because. Just for fun. Just because you are so beautiful and perfect. Inside and out. Just to look at you and recognize the blessing and joy you are to me and our family. And I get the camera out and I take a few pictures to remember a small moment by. These images are from one of those moments. They are some of my favorite to date. I suppose I am obsessed!?! Is that okay? I am your mother, and I love you. Oh. So. Much. I don't think you will ever understand how much until you have a baby girl of your own to look upon. And obsess over. And hope and pray over. And dress up (or down) for no reason at all. Or maybe, for all the reasons in the world. What a great responsibility that the Lord has entrusted you to my care. Thank you for choosing me to be your mother, and your friend.
oh, the nakie baby chub is killing me!! i looove that black and white one, you really should print that on canvas. it reminds me that i haven't taken too many black and whites. hmmm.. i should do that more. i think i never want to convert to black and whites cause i like the color of ruby's eyes, but b&w is so classic and timeless.
ruby has a headband similar to that one, but it sticks out too much on her head. maybe i need to glue the petals down. haha. or wait 'til she grows into it a little more, i dunno.
aspens eyes look soooo blue in that last pic:)
allegra -
i made some for potential newborn shots that ended up being way too big and sticking out too much so i tossed them (I'm usually not a fan of the HUMONGO flowers, but...) so recently I made a couple of headbands in a different way, I'll have to show you, also with different flowers. they're much more light weight and baby friendly. i think Ruby should have one, too!
i know. i bought this said headband for when she was newborn, but i am with you all the way that i hate gargantuan flowers on tiny little souls:) so i almost tossed mine, but maybe it will look cuter when she's 6 months and sitting or something:) but this flower on aspen is big but definitely cute. not TOO big at all. it's perfect for her head size, if you know what i'm sayin'. ha ha
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