February 1, 2011

The Party

Our cute one-year-old!

Go here to see a little bit of her party! (I am too tired to post all of the pics, those will have to just go in her book. So...I had this picture in my head and I became obsessed with making it real. The party planning was both fun and stressful and all of the details took me a lot of work. Thanks to Jacob who surely thinks I'm nuts - for being my helper into the wee hours before the party, just to make sure I had everything I needed and that it was all "just right". It was more that just right - it was beautiful. So, if you weren't there - well, take a look at the pics and you can imagine being there to celebrate with us!

*Ah Hem. As it turns out, both kids got an extra special gift after all the celebrating: sick. So we're laying low on this sunny day :) I'll post a few more pics from her "real" birthday when I get the chance ;)


dkkemp said...

Her party looked beautiful! Wish we could've been there to celebrate! Happy 1st Birthday, Aspen!

Unknown said...

The party looks amazing. And your "little girl with a curl" is a beauty. Love those cheeks! Is your next business party planning? Haha;)