January 27, 2011

Gifts for my Girl

Someone has a birthday coming soon.

And in honor of that little someone...

I have made a couple of heartfelt, handmade gifts.

(so glad I finished before the big day!)
The night before Aspen was born, I was up late.

I know, what's new? I'm always up late.

But, with good reason (usually).

That particular night, I was doing an experiment -

I wanted to find a way to make cute baby shoes, for her.

(and I did - remember?)
Well, to honor the year mark, I had to make her another pair.

They will go with her Birthday dress (it's super beautiful!)

Satin, pink, flowers...oh-so-girly.

Having a girl, in a way, brought out the girl in me.

(Can you believe I formerly hoped for only boys?)

When she was born, a new part of me was born.

(no...I still don't wear makeup more than 1/10 of the time...)

The sewing part of me was born. Who knew?
It's the part of me that wants to make beautiful things

especially for her.

Handmade dresses, shoes - and toys.
I actually got the pattern for this Happy Stacker a long time ago, even before I had a sewing machine. Now, I admit to being somewhat of a "rebel" when it comes to sewing (and a few other things) - for instance, I don't usually mark things, or pin things - I just kind of eye it and wing it - ie. the shoes. But for this project, I had to follow the pattern to the "T". It was tricky (think of making a donut and turning it inside out). But I did it. It was a labour of love, just for her. Thank you to Jacob for playing with the kids all of last Sunday afternoon so I could be sure and finish it in time for her birthday.

I've never considered myself super sentimental. As a minimalist, I don't usually hang on to a lot of sentimental "stuff" anyway. But I've found I want to hang on to more than I used to. I want to save just a little for her, of these special things I am making her - gifts from the heart.

There is no way she will appreciate these gifts now...but I hope that one day, she will look back and know that love comes in words, and deeds. And in her case, maybe, some loving stitches and sparkely new Birthday shoes.

I can't believe she's about to be one!


AZ Mommy said...

I heart this post.
When I first found out I was pregnant I not so secretly hoped for another boy. Took me a while to get used to the idea of having a girl. When I washed all of her clothes before she came I said that it looked like my washer threw up pink LOL.
I can relate to having a girl brought the girl out in you as it happened to me to.

The Browns said...

Super cute Tysha. I'm sure she'll look back at photos, she'll ask questions and you'll tell her stories and it will be totally worth it. You are talented in SO many ways!

Ivy said...

I think you deserve some sort of award for being an awesome mom or something! Not only are your gifts sentimental but I am sure you are making heirlooms for generations to come. Thanks for sharing your talents Tysha!