Jumping on the bed!
(well, make that four if you count their sock monkey friends, too)
(maybe someday, we will have four little monkeys of our own!)
(but not anytime soon, for reals :)

(Sawyer flashback: just about a year ago...wow, a lot happens in a year!)

My two little monkeys have had "the cold that never ends" for several weeks now. Just when I think it's getting better...more drippy noses and coughs ensue. So, we've made a habit of taking an "aromatherapy" bath after nap time to soothe a bit of the stuffy noses and sore throats. Usually, after the bath, we end up jumping on pillows and beds and running naked down the hall. (yes, all of us, ha ha ha, you think I'm kidding don't you?)
Anyways, kind of random. But ya gotta find some way to have fun even if you get your nose wiped or sucked out a few thousand times per day.
I know this is going around - so to anyone else who has the cold that never seems to end - here's to better, healthy (and can I add warmer?) days ahead! We are ready for Spring!
ps-I am in love with Aspen's curls.
pss- and her cute little bum!
I was just going to say she has delightful little curls. :) Now that my kids are all healthy, I seem to have developed a cold, so I can SO totally relate to what you are going through. I just want to go outside! :(
WHAT THE Aspen WALKING? she looks so grown up all of a sudden. So cute! She's a full on toddler:)
I love the photo of Sawyer holding both monkeys up at the same time by their hair... too cute.
When you're up to it and feeling better, let's hit up the museum of flight. i don't think sawyer is quite as obsessed as Max with airplanes, but I can get you in free with our membership. We just got back from our outing there today, and have been going lots this winter to try and beat the winter "blahs."
Hope everyone starts to feel better and get over the "blah's" really soon.
What cute kids!! I love those curls!! Looks like fun wish I could jump with them. Oh, I am excited about the package.
P.S. Tell Jacob that we never ended up sending out a family picture ;( But next year I will be looking at his option...we love his work...and yours too!
I love all of your pictures! The last one of the little bum made me laugh, very cute.
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