June 4, 2008

One Week

Exactly one week from today is Sawyer's official "due date". We like to consider that he could arrive anytime in the first 2/3 of June so we don't get too fixed on that date. I don't want to get my heart too set on the due date because I know it is quite rare for babies to arrive on the due date. And no matter how anxious I am to meet our baby boy, I am not one for induction (unless it's a medical necessity - and no offense to many of my friends who choose elective induction). So really, it could be tomorrow - or it could be 3 weeks from now! (We'll still hope sooner rather than later!)

We got a call this morning that our Doc had to rush off to the hospital to be with a patient today, so our 39-week check up has been rescheduled for Friday. Kind of a bummer considering I got up at 6am and got all ready and excited to go to the Doc's office and see if any new progress has been made. But it's fine - the day will come when she might have to cancel another appointment so she can rush to the hospital to deliver our baby. No worries!

As for me, I'm hangin' in there. I finally reached a point where at times I can best describe my feelings as claustrophobic in my own body. I think that's the best description. I mean, a few days ago I was walking around Greenlake on a beautiful and sunny morning, listening to my iPod. I was speed walking as much as a prego gal this far along can, when a song came on that I used to pick up my running pace with. At that moment, a sleek and smooth runner passed me on the trail. All of a sudden, more than anything in the world, I just wanted to have my old body back and jolt forth in time to the song and RUN. SPRINT. Move my body like I can't quite seem to do these days. I just walked faster. Maybe waddled faster...and repeated my mantra of Patience, Patience, Patience, someday you'll have your body back...

Even though my body seems to have some good days and some that are definitely more uncomfortable lately, I don't want to be a complainer. So I have been finding things to keep me busy - even if they seem mundane and boring to some. I love playing Spider Solitaire and have conquered more than 40 puzzles in my Sodoku book. I have enjoyed practicing my deep relaxation skills I plan to put to use while in labor using Hypnobirthing techniques. I take a nap almost each day. Jacob and I don't watch tv, but we borrowed a couple of seasons of "LOST" from friends, and let me tell you, I'm hooked! (That's one reason we don't watch tv!) Anyway, today, I am going to get my favorite Jamba Juice - Orange Dream Machine. That will make me smile. I am also happy today (sorry for those who don't like to get into politics) that I can say: Yeee-haw Barack Obama! Go, man, go!

Happy day to all!


Rachel and Jared said...

We are excited! Call us when you start to go into labor.

Minna Dyer said...

Hang in there! I was nine days late with my first but I won't tell you what that was like. Just stay positive and realistic like you have been, and remember, the baby has to come out SOMEtime!

Tristie hearts Dax said...

we wish you and Sawyer (SUCH a cool name!) all the best!

AO said...

Oh Tysha.... how exciting. And yes, my husband TOTALLY got addicted to Lost himself when we went over to watch the first episode...and yes, it was bad. And I'm so glad you can still walk around and have such a good attitude. I can't wait to hear about Sawyer!

treadfamily said...

Tysha, I am so excited for you guys. You are going to have a little boy soon, that is so great. Let Taylor and I know when everything happens and all about it. We love you and are so excited for you.

Danielle said...

You have such a great attitude! The description of clostrophobia is a good one. I remember the excitement about dr appts too. Although, since I was 2 weeks late, they quickly became a bit frustrating. You're going to be so great through the whole labor/delivery thing since it sounds like you've been good at exercising and practicing. We're so excited to hear the good news. Soon. soon. And then, I tell you, you will INSTANTLY feel better (at least I did).

Jacob said...

Wow. Thanks, Danielle, for the vote of confidence! I hope everything does go well and that, like you, I will feel instantly better! That sounds great!

Joe and Joanne said...

Hang in there Tysha! Not that I yet know what it's like to be pregnant, but the day is coming very soon when you will have your running bod back + a beautiful new baby in addition.

And I love that you don't watch T.V.! I'm in that club as well and love it!

An Ordinary Mom said...

I love your attitude and approach to life!

And what a clever way to describe the end of pregnancy, "Claustrophobic in my own body." What an apt description. I still have 6 weeks left and I am feeling like that.

Good luck with labor and delivery! I hope it goes as well as you would like it to!