May 28, 2008

38 Weeks

Here's the scoop from today's check-up:
1) 1 cm dilated 2) 40% effaced 3) from the ultrasound last week Doc now predicts he will be right about 6lbs at birth (he's in the 14th percentile) 4) I gained 1 lb! I have now reached the recommended 25 lb weight gain! 5) Doc said something could happen this week, but I kinda doubt Sawyer will come this week - which is fine. I want his birthday to be in June, anyway. Maybe we'll get our Father's Day appearance after all? 6) She said it's fine for me to keep being active and doing yoga/walking/swimming.

For added fun (maybe not everyone likes to hear all about how my body is changing) here are all the shoes we have waiting to be worn on Sawyer's cute little feet. I know, babies don't need shoes (especially summer babies!). With the exception of the Robeez, these were all gifts. You have to admit they are super cute nonetheless. Our little boy is going to be such a hipster!

Whoever said stylish shoes are just for girls...obviously didn't have a boy!


Kate Otterstrom said...

So exciting to hear about your progress Tysha! Isn't it weird to be in the "baby could come anytime" window? The shoes are darling. Even if babies don't need them, it is still fun to put them on and complete the outfit!

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Yay for progress! Just an FYI, I've heard that effacement is actually a much better indicator of when you'll go into labor than dilation. So that's great that your also effacing!

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Also, the baby booties are darling! I still need to get out all the baby stuff that's stored away. I'm such a procrastinator! Maybe this weekend?

Danielle said...

L-O-V-E the tiny pedipeds. Oh my gosh. Where did they come from??? I must have them. Now I'm going to go on a search for them. Also love those stylish robeez. Baby shoes are so fun. I love them. Nathan is now at an age where he is highly amused by his shoes, which is fun. Isn't it great to have stylish stuff? In 20 or 30 years, Sawyer will look at pix and go geez Mom! I love seeing pictures of Jason's humongous butterfly collars when he was about 5 - priceless.

KaSh said...

super cute shoes!!! I can't wait to meet Sawyer! Geoffrey is done with wearing robeezz now. I got him a pair of crocs and he absolutely loves it!

lizzie said...

Love the shoes. I'm coveting them for Simon. And we're excited to hear that you are making progress. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that he'll be here before too long!

Jen said...

I'm so excited for little Sawyer to come into the world! Sounds like he is preparing himself. He definitely has good motivation- AWESOME shoes :)

bev said...

i am so excited for you guys! i can't wait to meet baby sawyer one day! you look great, tysha!

AO said...

Such cute shoes! I need to get some cute little boy shoes for Superbaby. My sister and two nieces gave me the CUTEST little slippers...I'll have to take a pic and post it on the blog sometime.