I can't believe Aspen is already a whole month old! She is wonderful. We are so happy to have her be part of our family. She is an "easy" baby...and it is a good thing since her first few weeks her brother was so sick and her Daddy had to work about 70 hour weeks because of a big deadline at work. We have been spoiled this whole first month with meals and visits from friends. What good friends we have! And even a few "strangers". It has been a great blessing to have someone else's hands preparing a meal! She's still got night and day slightly confused (although two nights in a row she slept from 11pm to 6am! there is hope!) but she isn't much of a cryer (Sawyer pretty much NEVER cried - poor second child, already being compared to the first!) Speaking of big brother, he has done well - besides the pneumonia - but the past few nights he has been calling for Mommy after we put him to bed (usually he just goes right to sleep). So, we've come up with a plan to put him to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, so I can stay in after prayers and have a little one-on-one time to sing and cuddle. That is the hard part about two...seeing one yearn for the attention he has always had, while holding the new one and knowing she needs you just as much. What a blessing to be part of a parenting TEAM. Anyway, Aspen has a fussy time about 9:30 to 10pm, which is when she generally "wakes up" and has her one-on-one time with us before going to bed...whatever time that ends up being (sometimes 2ish, but then again - a 5 or 6 hour stretch so really we can't be complaining!). Even though she's great, I'm still tired. It catches up to me whenever I take a moment to sit down. But all in all, things are going great. She's even fitting the newborn sizes now...soon I'm sure to be outgrown. They grow TOO FAST I'm tellin' ya...gotta enjoy every moment!