January 26, 2010

A Photo A Day #1 - Oxbow Park

This morning, I came up with a brilliant plan (well, at least I thought it was brilliant!) To save my sanity, help pass the days until Aspen comes, and to get Sawyer out of the house as much as I can on decent weather days...I have decided to take A Photo A Day - because, all you photog friends know what joy that brings, even though the rest of you may find it strange. When you see the photos stop coming, you'll know Aspen has decided to come, instead!

Our first day and first outing was this morning. I had always wanted to go to this park where there is the largest sculptures of a hat and boots in the U.S. Why, you ask? I don't know...I just thought it would be strangely interesting. So...we went!

Sawyer kept saying "BIG BOOTS!!! and BIG HAT!!!" as he maneuvered his truck and dog along the path around the sculptures.

Most of the morning, we were the only ones at the park. Just before we brought out our snack, someone joined us: a photographer from the Seattle Times. He asked if he could photograph us (I told him sure, but please focus the most on Sawyer and not my big belly! he he!) We had a good time chatting about photography and journalism (did you know I have written a couple of stories for the 6 o'clock news? yep! back in my Senior year of high school I wanted to be a journalist). Pretty much, he didn't have any major news stories to follow so he was just scouting out photo ops. They recently re-painted the boots (and the hat is still a work in progress) to cover up a bunch of graffiti, so he thought he'd check it out. I can't tell you how many times Sawyer and I have been at random parks and people (some pros, some strangers or tourists) have asked to photograph Sawyer. It makes me laugh! Well, at least he's used to being followed around by a camera :)

So, there you go - day 1!


Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Just yesterday when we were skiing some random people were taking pictures of us. At first I thought Bracan had given our camera to them, but when he didn't stop to get it I realized they were just taking pictures of strangers. Kinda funny!

I got your email. And yes, I just called to catch up because we were going to be in the area and wondered what you were up to.

I think a photo a day is a great way to pass the days!

allegra said...

oh my stinkin' cute! love these pics and the cool textures you added on them. oh, and that video of Sawyer in his boots made me laugh out loud. awesome. now I know how to entertain him when you bring him over come labor time:) Speaking of which, I always have my phone on me just in case I get a little ring ring. I'm ready! And I'm going to email you Dan's phone number too just incase I don't pick up for some reason you can call him and he'll get ahold of me. But.. no worries, I'll keep it close by.

Hasn't the weather been soooo nice? Gosh, I took Max to the zoo yesterday and he loved it, and today was so sunny and warm we played outside. Heaven. I'm loving the sunshine but we all know it won't stay:)

Casey and Ryanne said...

Your son is so adorable that there aren't enough words to describe him. And, I'm so glad you post your craft experiments because it gets my creative juices going. I've made a project to-do list that I want to complete before the baby is born and I think I just added a few projects after reading your blog entries:) I'm going to be in Seattle next week. If you're up for it we should get together to say hi. Let me know. Ryanne