January 25, 2010

Monkeying Around...

First of all, a BIG THANKS to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. It looks as if Aspen wants a day all of her own to celebrate :) which is fine by me. She'll come when she's ready, right? Feeling sick to my stomach all day, and then a super dark, rainy, day, didn't make it my best birthday ever...but what did make my day were all of the sweet comments and phone calls from friends and family that made me feel special and loved. Jacob made it special, of course, but - to be really honest - he makes every one of my days special. I'm super lucky like that!

So...this morning as I was making our bed, Sawyer comes running into the room and climbs up on the bed. (He's only recently gotten tall enough to crawl up on things like beds and couches, and he loves it). I have these moments lately where a gush of emotion rushes over me as I look at Sawyer and realize how his world is going to change very, very soon. Part of me is a little sad for him - and part of me is ecstatically happy for him. He is going to have to learn how to share the two people in his world that mean the most to him...but at the same time, he is going to get to share his world forever with a sister who will always be his friend. I decided to quit the bed-making business and just play with my little monkey...

He loves the book & song "no more monkeys jumping on the bed". I asked him if he was a little monkey, to which he replied "yes! monkey!" and went on to roll, rumble, jump, do somersaults, etc. (I always have a small concern about the "fell off the bed and bumped his head" part...but sometimes you just gotta go with it!) We had a BLAST. He also stuck out his toes and said "tickle, tickle", so of course there was a lot of tickling going on, too!

At one point, when he finally settled down and we had a few moments of just sitting there together, I decided to have a little conversation with him.

ME: Are you ready to be a big brother?
S: Yes!
ME: Did you know you were in Mama's belly first? And you will always be Mama's first little baby...always.
ME: When Aspen comes out of Mama's belly she is going to be a tiny little baby...she might go "wah, wah"...we might have to give her kisses and say "shh, it's okay"...
S: (knocking on my belly with a big smile) hi...
ME: Is Aspen going to be your sister?
S: Yes!
ME: Guess what? She's also going to be your friend! She will be very little like you were and then she will grow and you can play together every day!
S: Yes!

And then he burst into smiles and giggles. I'm not sure how much he really understands, but I do have a feeling he understands more than we think he does.

To my dearest little monkey: Oh, how I love you so!

Forever and ever and ever...

Love, Mama


AO said...

Oh, how in so many ways Sawyer reminds me of Collin. Collin has ALWAYS loved jumping and playing around on the bed...and he loves the money on a bed story too. I think Sawyer will be a great big brother...and how sweet. I feel the same way about Collin sometimes when I see him jumping up and down and thinking he is getting so big, granted I'm not pregnant, but still :)

Danielle said...

Ah, you make me cry! :)
I know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now. I can tell you, on the other side now, that mine at least tolerated the transition amazingly well and LOVES his baby brother and has since day one. My mom, today, was even commenting on how amazingly "close" they seem even with the little one so little still.
We try to sort of play it up for N, though, by telling him how much the baby LOVES him and how silly he thinks he is, and stuff like that. Also, we have him help with stuff when he wants to. I think these two things have made enormous differences in attitude.
You'll be amazed at how natural the transition is...almost there!
(our picture looks awesome in its frame by the way)

Danielle said...

PS: wait until the first time Sawyer says he loves the baby. your heart will melt. :)

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Beautiful picture Tysha! Happy belated birthday!

Dena said...

what a sweet sweet face!