May 9, 2008

Tight Quarters

This is a picture I found on the internet of a baby at 32 weeks. We are now in the 35th week. Poor little Sawyer must be getting pretty squished! No wonder he nestles up into my ribcage! We enjoy patting his little rear end as it presses against my belly way up high. We are so anxious for him to come out into the world! This morning Jacob asked him if he wanted to come in about 2 weeks, and he kicked back. We're taking that as a yes :) We've finished all of the preparations and even have our bags half-way packed for the hospital. I am planning to bake a "Birth Day Cake" for Sawyer before we head off to the hospital. Wish us luck!


melinda marie said...

i don't know where my comment went... it dissapeared!

so exciting. i can't wait to hear about your birth story. i know that it will be special. i will be praying for a healthy delivery and sweet baby Sawyer!

i miss you. at least we get to keep semi in touch through the world of blogging. would love to SEE you sometime!

melinda "melaiya" marie hughi

AO said...

What a great picture! I'm at 28 weeks and OFTEN wonder what the baby looks like. And Ryan doesn't really have any baby pictures of him, so we don't really know! Good luck with everything! You are such an example of having everything ready!

cherlyn and family said...

I am so happy for you guys.

Jen said...

If your baby is older than that one it must be sooo big right now- I'm sure all that rib cage nuzzling is fabulous :) I need to get your books back to you- you probably want them before your baby comes! We should get together or I can bring them by.