Someone has a birthday coming soon.
And in honor of that little someone...
I have made a couple of heartfelt, handmade gifts.
(so glad I finished before the big day!)

The night before Aspen was born, I was up late.
I know, what's new? I'm always up late.
But, with good reason (usually).
That particular night, I was doing an experiment -
I wanted to find a way to make cute baby shoes, for her.
(and I did - remember?)

Well, to honor the year mark, I had to make her another pair.
They will go with her Birthday dress (it's super beautiful!)
Satin, pink, flowers...oh-so-girly.
Having a girl, in a way, brought out the girl in me.
(Can you believe I formerly hoped for only boys?)
When she was born, a new part of me was born.
(no...I still don't wear makeup more than 1/10 of the time...)
The sewing part of me was born. Who knew?

It's the part of me that wants to make beautiful things
especially for her.
Handmade dresses, shoes - and toys.

I actually got the pattern for this Happy Stacker a long time ago, even before I had a sewing machine. Now, I admit to being somewhat of a "rebel" when it comes to sewing (and a few other things) - for instance, I don't usually mark things, or pin things - I just kind of eye it and wing it - ie. the shoes. But for this project, I had to follow the pattern to the "T". It was tricky (think of making a donut and turning it inside out). But I did it. It was a labour of love, just for her. Thank you to Jacob for playing with the kids all of last Sunday afternoon so I could be sure and finish it in time for her birthday.
I've never considered myself super sentimental. As a minimalist, I don't usually hang on to a lot of sentimental "stuff" anyway. But I've found I want to hang on to more than I used to. I want to save just a little for her, of these special things I am making her - gifts from the heart.
There is no way she will appreciate these gifts now...but I hope that one day, she will look back and know that love comes in words, and deeds. And in her case, maybe, some loving stitches and sparkely new Birthday shoes.
I can't believe she's about to be one!