Well, this post is for my Mom. You see, for Christmas this year, she and my Dad got me my first sewing machine. I didn't burst into tears over it (as I did the new lens I got as a combined gift from Jacob, his parents, and my grandmother), but I wanted to show her I am excited about learning how to use it to create things: I LOVE creating things! This week passed quickly because I became pretty much addicted to creating new things! It's the whole nesting thing, I'm sure :)
So...I started by going to pick out some pretty vintage-y fabric. I had no idea what I would actually make with them - but I'm a sucker for some eye-candy, so it was fun to choose them!
My first project was to embellish some onesies. I had read about doing this on Jordan Ferney's blog "Oh Happy Day" quite some time ago...and decided to give it a whirl. I had some newborn sized little pants in yellow and green that were Sawyer's...but all of a sudden they didn't look "neutral" to me...so I decided to make something that would coordinate with the pants and make them a little more feminine. I love how the bird turned out. It might be hard to tell that the second one is a baby elephant. At least I made a cute headband to go with it, if no one can tell what it is!
I also got the itch to make some tutu's...so I made the lavender one below (plus headband) for a dear friend who is also expecting a baby girl a few weeks after me. And, of course, I made one for Aspen - although I'm still working on a headband to match her pink tutu.

Okay, I have to give myself a pat on the back for this one. I have never made an article of clothing before (besides Sawyer's Superman Cape for Halloween), and I found this cute dress pattern on the blog "Made by Rae". It's made for teeny tiny babies, so it should fit Aspen right away! I'm really proud of how it turned out, it being my first try and all. I embellished it a bit with some details...and yet another matching headband. This baby is going to be much more stylin' than I ever am!
I also got carried away "browsing" the shoppes on Etsy one day during Sawyer's nap. First, I was inspired by my friend, who made some amazing headbands recently for her upcoming baby girl, and then as I looked at all the boutiques on Etsy, I was like "WOW, I've got to try this for myself." Mostly, because I can't afford to buy one of theirs for $15-$30! I think Lou and Lou (on etsy) inspired me the most. I got a bunch of felt to try...but I ended up doing fabric and I really like how it turned out. I also did a simple adult-sized headband that could easily go along with hair thrown into a ponytail (most moms I know!) The one below is for a friend of mine...I will be making more!
I had my little model try the headband on, for size. He had been watching what I was doing and was pretty excited to try it on. I can't think of a way to make a boy-ish headband - maybe add some trucks or trains? Either way, he is a cute little model (and I hope his dad forgives me for turning him girly for a few minutes!)
Next project: The Nursing bag. My friend, who happens to also be our pediatrician (I was nanny to her 3 kiddos for a time)gave me this idea. Since Sawyer is still so little, she advised a bag like this with a few novel toys that I can bring out only when nursing the new baby. The thought is that it will be something special to look forward to and the hope is that Sawyer won't feel as pushed to the sidelines as I spend a great deal of time nursing the first little while. I thought it sounded like a good enough idea so, why not give it a try? I stocked the bag with just a few little things - most found at the $1 bins at Target. I thought the baby with a bottle might be fun in case he wanted to "feed" a baby alongside me. And I did splurge a little on the playmobil car and driver - I just couldn't resist! Sawyer has been really into owls lately, hence the owl on front of the bag. (I told Jacob is was a sneaky reference to "hooters" since, really, that is what nursing is all about, right? :)
Last, but not least, the ABC Blocks. I put bells in 3 of the blocks, for added fun. Sawyer already tested them out - he pitched them across the room. I figure, at least if he likes throwing them around - if he throws them at the baby, they are super soft. But, they are for the baby, mostly. Just a fun little experiment. I did so many experiments this week, and had a blast doing them! I really need to quit, though, because I need to get more rest. I really do!
Okay. Do you agree that Sawyer is going to be an awesome big brother, or what? He pointed at my belly today and said "Aspen, Aspen!" with a big smile. Maybe he knows something I don't...like when she's going to make her grand appearance? Any day now...or week...whenever...we'll sure be glad when she's here!
Now, I am off to order take-out. We're starting to celebrate my birthday tonight (don't want to break the Sabbath by going out to eat!) Originally, we were going to go out, but I haven't been feeling well today, so I'm opting to stay in and order out (from the Chinese Dumpling place up the street that everyone tells us they LOVE). Jacob is going to make me lettuce wraps and an ice-cream cake tomorrow, and we'll sing and do a few presents then. Happy 33rd birthday to me (& my twin sister, Tia!) We're getting SO old! (and I'm feeling old right now in my very preggo bod - but give me a few weeks and I'll be feelin' young again!)
Tysha, the dress you made is adorable!! I'm thoroughly impressed...especially being one of your "first times" sewing! So cute. You have been busy.. man when you said you were working on projects I had no idea!:) When you came over the other day, I was going to give you a tutorial on how to make the headbands, but when you showed up with the adorable headband and tutu you made for her (thanks again!!), I no longer thought a tutorial was necessary. It's all so cute and I was blown away that you'd make our little girl that cute tutu, i absolutely love it.
I know what you mean about nesting. I seriously have tons more projects and things to get ready b/4 the baby comes.. it's like my mind won't stop racing, it's kind of ridiculous.
I hope you have a happy birthday!!
Wow, look at you! You are on a roll! I love all of the great projects you've been working on. What fun to be having a girl to sew for! If I even have a girl, I think that would be a good time to learn to sew as well. My mom bought me a sewing machine shortly after Hyrum was born and I haven't even touched it yet. She's a professional seamstress and teaches sewing classes to kids. It would be fun to learn, but just gotta have the time! Good luck in the final countdown!
Ah, you are amazing! I've had my mom's old machine for years and have never attempted any sort of actual clothing beyond dress-ups for my nieces. I suppose I might need to have a little girl to get the crafty-bug for real. :) I love the fabric too - where do you find the vintage stuff? Maybe I just don't have an eye for it.
Oh my goodness! I'm so impressed with your crazy first-time sewing skills! I wanna girl next so you can make me an adorable dress and tutu like Aspen's! Way to go! Stay comfortable these next few weeks and enjoy Sawyer as much as possible!
Sooo cute, Tysha. I'm very impressed! I totally caught the nesting bug the week before Henry was born and sewed a bunch of stuff for his nursery...and i hadn't touched a sewing machine since high school! I was actually surprised it turned out OK...I guess we'll see how it holds up once it has to be washed. :) Anyway nice work! I can't wait to see a pic of Aspen in that cute little dress!
Some people just have it, and you're one of 'em!! Love everything you created! I love being creative, follow a lot of the same blogs, but when I make something.... it just never looks exactly right. Esp if it involves sewing! But I keep trying :) Happy happy birthday dear and hope Aspen comes soon!
TYSHA!!! You are so amazing to me!! I love EVERYTHING you made. You're so impressive!!! Sawyer and Aspen are some LUCKY kids and Jacob is ONE lucky man!! I want to be your friend forever!! tee hee!!
Everything you've made for Baby Aspen is adorable! You are so creative, and really have a knack for making cute things! Maybe once our baby girls are here we can get together and you can show me how to make some of those cute things!
Happy Birthday yesterday! I hope you had a relaxing day!
Linsey Curtis
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